Circe Launched, April 14, 1932

Seattle Daily Times (published as THE SEATTLE DAILY TIMES) – April 15, 1932 – Page 19


Craft Designed by Ben Seaborn ‘Hits the Line’ as She Settles Into Native Element

Before a large and enthusiastic number of friends, the sloop Circe was launched at the Lake Union Drydock & Machine Works yesterday afternoon. Designed by Ben Seaborn, 18-year-old Broadway High School junior, the sloop is owned by the young designer’s father, Ray Cooke. A number of admiring high school friends of Seaborn’s helped acclaim the immersion.

“She hit the line,” was the enthusiastic utterance of the scores of yachtsmen present at the launching.

This was the highest praise the young designer could have received, for the Circe had settled down directly on her water line, as the weeks of designing and building had aimed to accomplish. The boat becomes a member of the Seattle Yacht Club fleet—as a scratch boat, at that. She is fifty-eight feet over all and carries 2,000 feet of working canvas.

Yacht Circe Slides into Lake Union
“Yacht Circe Slides into Lake Union”, Seattle Daily Times, 1932, April 15